Select the Vista installation you would like to repair and if there are drivers you need to load in order for Vista to access any of your drives or other components, then you should click on the Load Drivers button to load them. When ready, press the Next button to continue. If the repair process does not detect any problems starting Vista, it will display a list of available recovery tools. If it does detect a problem it will attempt to perform a Startup Repair to automatically fix these problems. If you would like to allow this process to continue, then you can read more about it here. Otherwise click on the Cancel button and select the View advanced options for system recovery and support option to see the list of recovery tools.

Figure 5. System Recovery Options

At this screen you would then click on the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool option. This will present you with a screen asking if you want to restart and run the tool now or on the next restart of the computer.

Figure 6. When to run the Windows Memory Diagnostics Tools

If you want to try other recovery tools while you are in the Windows Recovery Environment, then select the Check for problems the next time I start my computer option so that you can continue using the other tools. On the other hand, if you want to immediately run memory tests on your computer then you should click on the Restart now and check for problems (recommended).

High Ram Computers

By far the easiest and quickest way to start the Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool is to do so from the Windows Boot Manager when you reboot your computer. To do this remove all bootable CDs and DVDs and start your computer. After the BIOS information is shown on the screen, and as there is pause with a black screen before Windows normally starts, you would press your spacebar key. This would put you into the Windows Boot Manager as shown below.

Figure 7. Windows Vista Boot Manager

At the Windows Boot Manager screen, press the TAB button on your keyboard to select the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool and then press the enter key to start it. Regardless of how you entered the Memory Diagnostics Tool you will now be at the diagnostic tool's main screen and the tool will automatically start to test your memory. These tests can take quite a while, so please be patient while they run.


Figure 8. Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool

If you would like to make changes to the tests as they are conducted you can click on the F1 key on your keyboard. This will present a new screen where you can change the options on how the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool will operate. Figure 9. Windows Memory Diagnostics Options

To change any options you can use the TAB key on your keyboard to switch between option categories and then the arrow keys to select the particular option. When done making your changes you would then click on the F10 key to save them. Download sketchup for mac with crack. By default the tool uses the Standard tests to check your memory. If you want a more exhaustive test set, then you should change your tests to the Extended one. If you use the Extended tests, the tests will take a long time to complete so it is advised that you let the tests run overnight so that you can see the results the next day.

The other two options are Cache and Pass Count. The Cache option allows you to specify whether you want the tests to use the CPU's built-in cache. When you run the test without the cache enabled, the test will perform slower, but be more thorough. If you select the Default option, the tests will use the cache depending on how it is setup in the specific tests. The defaults for the Basic and Standard tests are for the cache to be enabled and to be disabled in Extended tests. The other two options, On and Off, override the default settings found in the test type. The other option, Pass Count, allows you to specify how many times the tool will perform each test. By default the tool will run the entire test 2 times.

As the tests run, if any errors are found they will be displayed in the main diagnostic screen. If the first test pass, running the Standard tests, is completed without any errors being found it is likely that your memory is operating properly and it is uncommon for errors to be found on further passes using the same tests. If no errors are found, and you wish to try a more exhaustive test, then it is advised you use the Extended tests overnight. When the tests are complete, the tool will automatically reboot your computer and the next time you log back into Vista the results of the test will be displayed as seen in Figure 10 below.

Figure 10. Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool Results

Computer Ram Running High

When testing your memory, if errors are found, the Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool will attempt to determine which particular memory module in your computer is causing these errors. If that information is available, it will be stated in the results. If bad memory is found then you will need to remove that memory and replace it with a functioning replacement. For information on how to remove and install memory it is advised that you read this tutorial: Understanding, Identifying and Upgrading the RAM in your PC.

If you are still having problems after using this tool, then you can try the other advanced repair tools. Tutorials on how to use these tools can be found below:

Ram Running High Vista California

As always if you have any comments, questions or suggestions about this tutorial please do not hesitate to tell us in the Windows Vista Help Forums.